4 Recent Technologies Which Are Seen In The Real Estate Industry

In this contemporary world, technology is taking over almost every field. However, real estate hasn’t been left behind—judging by the new trends that are changing the sector. Several technological tools are transitioning real estate. Many realtors and companies in the property market, including Treasure at Tampines, are making use of technology. The following are some of the new technologies making entry into the property market:

Virtual walk-throughs

Virtual reality, since its inception, has been applied in several different fields, and now it is being implemented in real estate. The first thing a prospect wants is to view a property. Virtual reality makes this process easier, regardless of the location someone is. Sometimes you may wish to consider a house that is far from you but can’t spare the time to go there physically. This is where this technology comes into the picture. It gives you full access to the premise you are interested in even without you going there.

It is an equally brilliant technology for those who don’t get the chance to view the property during regular viewing hours. The possibilities are endless now that you no longer have to rely on the floor plan alone to have an idea of what a flat will look like. If you can’t make it to the Treasure at Tampines launch for some reason or other, simply take a 360° panoramic virtual tour online to gain a better understanding of the unit layout.

Platforms for buying and selling property

Initially, there were only physical platforms for either buying or selling property that you had to go to whenever you want to deal with anything real estate. Today, thanks to technological advancements, buying and selling properties has become more accessible and convenient for many people.

Homeowners will now have a chance to penetrate the market quickly and prospective homebuyers can now find what they are looking for easily. This results in higher market activity and makes all transactions in the industry faster and safer. It saves you time and expenses related to real estate such as paying agents to source clients for you. These platforms link both buyer and seller directly. For instance, now you can simply look up “Treasure at Tampines prices” or “Treasure at Tampines psf” to find out the information you want to know without having to go down to the place itself.

Blockchain technology

You might have heard of blockchain in cryptocurrency, but now it is being used in real estate too. The technology has gained traction in 2019, and more people are starting to use it. Blockchain means privacy, security, discretion, and encryption. When deals are made and paid through blockchain, clients and sellers have the opportunity to make private deals that are legitimate and safe. The storage of property titles can also be done through blockchain ledgers.

ROI calculation and machine learning

Time is an asset that no one would want to waste, and real estate agents know this all too well. New technology helps to save time and reduce wastage. Thanks to ROI calculation and machine learning, realtors can quickly learn about the profits and returns on each of their client’s transactions. This not only makes accountability easier but also makes it possible to have a higher percentage of accuracy. And this accuracy is not just in the purchases made but also in the predictions of how much is going to be made. The amount of profits clients will make, and the realtors’ commissions can also calculated.

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